Title: Batman by Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo Omnibus Vol. 1 (Batman Omnibus) Pdf
Author: Scott Snyder
Published Date: 2019-10-22
Page: 900
Scott Snyder is a #1 New York Times best-selling writer and one of the most critically acclaimed scribes in all of comics. His works include Dark Nights: Metal, All Star Batman, Batman, Batman: Eternal, Superman Unchainced, American Vampire and Swamp Thing. He has also been published in Zoetrope, Tin House, One-Story, Epoch, Small Spiral Notebook and other journals, and has a short-story collection, Voodoo Heart, which was published by Dial Press. He teaches at Columbia University and Sarah Lawrence University and lives in New York with his wife, Jeanie, and his son, Jack Presley.
Scott Snyder and Gregg Capullo's Batman stories - from Court of Owls to Zero Year - are presented together in this hard cover omnibus collection. Batman discovers a vast conspiracy with roots deep in the past of Gotham city. From the Court of Owls to the Joker, this collection covers a range of foes both old and new as readers follow Batman's adventures from the pen of Scott Snyder.
Collects Batman #1-33
Awesome! Batman is the greatest of heroes to be because he isn't super powered. This comic assumes you know something of the legend already and proceeds to kick you right into a well written story. Excellent job! A must readEncouraging young readers My grandson enjoyed reading this comic book on my kindle Fire. Being grandma just got easier. Reading gets a boost.Dark, in a good way. The opening was awesome, the art was great, and it was interesting. The opening showed off batman's combat skills, the middle showed us his act as Bruce Wayne, and the ending showed us his skills as a detective. Basically everything that is batman was in this comic, oh, and I almost forgot the villains. Joker looked slightly weird, but that is expected, besides that it was very good. I can't wait to get my hands on issue 2.
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Tags: 1401298842 pdf,Batman by Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo Omnibus Vol. 1 (Batman Omnibus) pdf,Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo,Batman by Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo Omnibus Vol. 1 (Batman Omnibus),DC Comics,1401298842,Comic books, strips, etc.,COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS / Superheroes (see also FICTION / Superheroes),Fiction,Fiction-Graphic Novels,GRAPHIC NOVELS,General Adult,Readings/Anthologies/Collected Works,Serials, 1st only,United States,superhero;superheroes;geek;nerd;graphic novels;comic books;graphic novel;graphic novels for adults;graphic novels for kids 12-15;geek gifts;superhero books;superhero book;graphic novels for teens;nerd gifts;comics and graphic novels;superhero comics;gifts for comic book fans;comic book gifts;gifts for comic book lovers;comic gifts;comic;sci-fi;gaming;movies;pop culture;film;games;alien;crime;aliens;reference;cinema;adventure;mystery;thriller;writing;occult;movie;technology;demons;dystopia,superheroes; superhero; geek; nerd; graphic novels; comic books; graphic novel; graphic novels for adults; graphic novels for kids 12-15; graphic novels for teens; geek gifts; nerd gifts; superhero books; comics and graphic novels; superhero book; superhero comics; gifts for comic book fans; comic book gifts; gifts for comic book lovers; comic gifts; comic; alien; gaming; movies; adventure; film; mystery; demons; crime; writing; games; cinema; thriller; aliens; sci-fi; pop culture; reference; occult; movie; technology; dystopia
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