Senin, 09 Desember 2019

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Download

Title: Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Pdf

The Mongol army led by Genghis Khan subjugated more lands and people in 25 years than the Romans did in 400. In nearly every country the Mongols conquered, they brought an unprecedented rise in cultural communication, expanded trade, and a blossoming of civilization.

Vastly more progressive than his European or Asian counterparts, Genghis Khan abolished torture, granted universal religious freedom, and smashed feudal systems of aristocratic privilege. From the story of his rise through the tribal culture to the explosion of civilization that the Mongol Empire unleashed, this brilliant work of revisionist history is nothing less than the epic story of how the modern world was made.

Ghengis Khan; More Important than you probably thought Totally changed my perception of geopolitics-really! This book, thoroughly researched, blasts the myths surrounding Ghenghis Khan and demonstrates his wisdom and courage as a leader. Perhaps more importantly, it contributes invaluable knowledge about the role of the Mongols in reshaping the world to forge trade routes, developing societies where many religions coexisted peacefully and exploding many of our prior myths about the savagery of the Mongol Horde. One of the most fascinating books on history I have read.An interestng, albiet, heavily revisionist piece on Genghis and the Mongol Empire. A well written and well read (in terms of the audio version) book on the Mongol Empire romthe time of Genghis Khan through the reign of Kubulai Khan. This book gives great detail into the early life of Tenmugen and the struggles and realities of living during a tumultuous period. The book isnt without its faults however, the author seems to go to great lengths to portray Genghis and the Mongols as bringers of peace and welfare. At one point he even goes so far as to suggest that a four year gap in the documentation of public executions must suggest that the Mongols did not execute. It seems like a rash assumption considering that the amount of death that followed the Mongol hoard would make Hitler jealous. All together it is an interesting read but please be aware that it comes through a very pro Mongol lens.Interesting but flawed I was very excited for this book and the ambitiousness of its scope, but found myself underwhelmed. It's entertaining and educational, I found myself wanting more in multiple respects. More details, more evidence, more expansive coverage.The book can't quite seem to decide what it wants to be. Is it a thesis of how the Mongol empire provided foundational technologies and practices of the modern age? Is it a biography of Genghis Khan? Is it a history of the Mongol empire? It turns out to be a haphazard mix of all three, with major shortcomings on all fronts.As a broader anthropological thesis about the impact of Genghis Khan, Weatherford makes a very compelling case that the Mongol empire contained some then-innovative ASPECTS of modern ideals (e.g. religious tolerance, meritocracy, globalization of commerce, public schooling, paper currency, among others). He convincingly argues that the Mongols spread good ideas from one region of the empire to another, and combined those ideas in novel ways. He doesn't do a very good job of arguing that these innovations formed the basis of the modernity, spread into the broader world, and continued into today. Much of his focus is also on developments after the death of Genghis, particularly on Kubalai. While this makes sense from a historical narrative perspective, it's harder to tie the achievements of Kubalai back to Genghis, when the former took power 33 years after the latter's death, following the reign of three other Great Khans. Weatherford also mostly ignores developments in the other Khan lineages upon Kubalai taking the (disputed) title of Great Khan. He makes some ambitious and expansive claims, but doesn't provide compelling evidence. A few that caught my eyes are that Mongol culture was a foundational precursor to the European Renaissance or that the Nazi's blitzkrieg strategy was based on the study of Mongolian battle tactics. He could well be right, but I wasn't convinced of his conclusions on the basis of the evidence he presented.As a biography, I didn't get much of a feel for Genghis Khan man outside of his tactical brilliance and shrewdness for exploiting public sentiment. I felt I had a much better sense of the character of Ogodei and Kubalai Khan than Genghis himself. Granted, much of that is probably due to lack of good contemporaneous primary sources due to historical reasons, and Weatherford seems to feel that the main source of truth is The Secret History of the Mongols, a history written either late in Temujin's life or shortly after his death. But much of the Secret History seems like after the fact mythmaking, such as when it claims that Temujin was born with a blood clot in his fist, portending great leadership. Broadly there's a lot of projection and conjecture about how he must have felt and thought. For example Weatherford sometimes posits that perhaps Khan was just trying to protect his family, his tribe, and his way of life, rather than conquer the known world. I don't know. Given the lack of good primary sources, I'd rather he leaned more on secondary sources with the necessary qualifications, or kept it more concise and stuck to the facts. As is, the biographical portions awkwardly straddles the line between idle conjecture and dry "and then this happened".Finally as far as the broader Mongol empire is concerned, the focus is surprisingly narrow and cursory on the broader conquest. It has a pretty good discussion of broader strategy, tactics, and specific applications, but Weatherford mostly focuses on a couple campaigns (European campaigns of Ogodei Khan, Kubalai's campaigns into Sung China, and Genghis' campaigns in Mongolia, against the Jurched, and against the Khwarizm). Meanwhile he'll casually drop "And by this point the Mongols had dominion over Korea" without explaining how the Mongols adapted their steppe calvary tactics to the mountains and monsoons of Korea, while claiming the Mongols were stopped cold going out of their steppe comfort zone into the tropics of southern India or the forests of Western Europe. He sets up an epic conflict in Egypt an army of with former slav slaves, but kind of cursorily refers to it while suddenly jumping 20 years in to the future before jumping back. And as stated above, he has a pretty heavy focus on Kubalai, only briefly touching on the Ilkhanate in Persia and the Golden Horde in Eastern Europe.In all, I enjoyed the book and I'm not swayed by other criticism I've seen about whitewashing the character of a despot. I appreciate Weatherford trying to bring more nuance to a much caricatured man and culture. But couldn't help but think that the book is less than the sum of its parts, and could have been much more.

Tags: B0038NLWQ2 pdf,Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World pdf,,Jack Weatherford, Jonathan Davis, Audible Studios,Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World,Audible Studios,B0038NLWQ2

Jumat, 06 Desember 2019

Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life Free Pdf

ISBN: 1572244259
Title: Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life Pdf The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)

Trying to "change" negative thoughts through cognitive gymnastics is like trying to win a war single-handedly. Why waste a life trying the impossible? In Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, advocate Dr. Steven Hayes escorts the mildly depressed, angry, and anxiety prone through a new approach to handling suffering--universal human suffering caused by language's illusions. Rather than fighting off bad thoughts and feelings with internal pep talks, Hayes beautifully explains how to embrace those pessimistic and foreboding mental voices (much like welcoming home one's cranky, play-worn children), "defuse" them with respectful attention, and commit to leading a purposeful life that includes their occasional ranting. Intriguing exercises help readers identify their core struggles, parse these into manageable pieces, and develop effective ways to move beyond rumination. The work progresses easily, thanks to Hayes' engaging style and his grace in coaching readers. Critics of cognitive and behavioral therapies will warm to Hayes' logical explanations of language's pitfalls (even language used by other therapeutic approaches); his sometimes goofy--but surprisingly effective--exercises; well-timed etymology lessons; and his uncanny ability to predict and skillfully address reader reactions throughout the workbook. Ironically, the path to life clocks many hours in the mind; plan to dedicate an intensive month of introspection to this program. Anyone who has been accused of thinking too much, who begrudges compliments, pines for a different life, or feels trapped at a mental dead end can benefit from Hayes' superior guidance.--Liane Thomas Dr. Steven Hayes answers a few questions about his book, and describes how his research was inspired by his own struggles with panic and anxiety. Questions for Steven Hayes Can you give us a lay person's primer on acceptance and commitment therapy? Steven Hayes: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is based on a rather remarkable fact: when normal problem solving skills are applied to psychologically painful thoughts or feelings, suffering often increases. Our research program has shown this in thousands of patients, in almost every area of human suffering. Fortunately, we have discovered why this is and we have developed some ways of correcting it. The basic research underlying ACT shows that entanglement with your own mind leads automatically to experiential avoidance: the tendency to try first to remove or change negative thoughts and feelings as a method of life enhancement. This attempted sequence makes negative thoughts and feelings more central, important, and fearsome--and often decreasing the ability to be flexible, effective, and happy. The trick that traps us is that these unhelpful mental processes are fed by agreement OR disagreement. Your mind is like a person who has to be right about everything. If you know any people like that you know that they are excited when you agree with them but they can be even more excited and energized when you argue with them! Minds are like that. So what do you do? ACT teaches you what to do. I will say what that is, but readers need to understand that these mere words will not be useful in and of themselves. Minds are too clever for that! That is why the book has so many exercises and why we have a free discussion group on line for people working through the book ( What ACT teaches is acceptance of emotions, mindful awareness of thoughts, contact with a transcendent sense of self, and action based on chosen values. This constellation of skills has shown itself in controlled research to help with an amazingly large range of problems, from anxiety to managing the challenges of physical disease, from depression, to stopping Some of this work is said to have come from your own battles with anxiety and panic. How did these ideas apply to your own struggles? Steven Hayes: It was my own panic disorder that first put me on to the problem we have now confirmed in our research. My panic disorder began a little over 25 years ago. I watched in horror as it grew rapidly, simply by applying my normal problem solving skills to it. Anxiety felt awful and seemingly made it impossible to function, so it was obvious to me that I first needed to get rid of it before my life would improve. I tried lots of things to do that. But this very effort meant I had to constantly evaluate my level of anxiety, and fearfully check to see if it was going up or down as a result of my efforts. As a result, anxiety quickly became the central focus of my life. Anxiety itself became something to be anxious about, and meanwhile life was put on hold. After two or three years of this I'd had enough. I began to experiment with acceptance, mindfulness, and valued action instead of detecting, disputing, and changing my insides. I remember a moment that symbolizes the change in direction. In the middle of a panic attack, with a guttural scream like you hear in the movies, I literally shouted out loud to my own mind. "You can make me feel pain, you can make me feel anxiety," I yelled. "But you cannot make me turn away from my own experience." It has not been a smooth path and it was several years before anxiety itself was obviously way down (getting it to go down was no longer my purpose, remember, but ironically when you stop trying to make it happen, often it does), but almost immediately life opened up again. ACT is the result of over 20 years of research, following the lead this provided. You are a language researcher and chapter two of Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life is called "Why Language Leads to Suffering." Can you tell us why you suggest that language is a source of human suffering? Steven Hayes: Human language (by that I mean our symbolic abilities generally) is central to effective human cognition. It evolved to keep us from starving or being eaten--and it has done a pretty good job of that. The key to symbolic processes is the ability to relate events in new and arbitrary ways. Our research program has shown this ability even in 14 month old babies, and we now know it comes from direct training from parents and others as part of normal language development. It is a wonderful skill. It allows us to imagine futures that have never been, and to compare situations that have never actually been experienced. That is the every essence of human verbal problem solving. But that same process has a downside for human beings. For example, it allows us to fear things we have never experienced (e.g., death). It allows us to run from the past or compare the dull present to a fantasized future and to be unhappy as a result. And in my case it lead to the common sense but ultimately unhelpful idea that I needed to get rid of anxiety before I could live well. We get a lot of training in how to develop and use our minds, but we get very little training in how to step out of the mental chatter when that is needed. As a result, this mental tool begins to use us. It will even claim to BE us. The overextension of human language and cognition, I believe, is at the core of the vast majority of human suffering in the developed world and human technology (the media) is only amplifying the problem by exposing us to an ever increasing stream of symbols and images. Learning how to get out of your mind and into your life when you need to do that is an essential skill in the modern world.

Get ready to take a different perspective on your problems and your life―and the way you live it.

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a new, scientifically based psychotherapy that takes a fresh look at why we suffer and even what it means to be mentally healthy. What if pain were a normal, unavoidable part of the human condition, but avoiding or trying to control painful experience were the cause of suffering and long-term problems that can devastate your quality of life? The ACT process hinges on this distinction between pain and suffering. As you work through this book, you’ll learn to let go of your struggle against pain, assess your values, and then commit to acting in ways that further those values.

ACT is not about fighting your pain; it’s about developing a willingness to embrace every experience life has to offer. It’s not about resisting your emotions; it’s about feeling them completely and yet not turning your choices over to them. ACT offers you a path out of suffering by helping you choose to live your life based on what matters to you most. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or problem anger, this book can help―clinical trials suggest that ACT is very effective for a whole range of psychological problems. But this is more than a self-help book for a specific complaint―it is a revolutionary approach to living a richer and more rewarding life.

  • Learn why the very nature of human language can cause suffering
  • Escape the trap of avoidance
  • Foster willingness to accept painful experience
  • Practice mindfulness skills to achieve presence in the moment
  • Discover the things you really value most
  • Commit to living a vital, meaningful life

This book has been awarded The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Self-Help Seal of Merit ― an award bestowed on outstanding self-help books that are consistent with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and that incorporate scientifically tested strategies for overcoming mental health difficulties. Used alone or in conjunction with therapy, our books offer powerful tools readers can use to jump-start changes in their lives.

but learning to better experience your feelings and living/moving towards your values REALLY enjoying this book so far. Very different approach to therapy. Not results oriented, but rather process focused. It is less about taking control of your feelings, but learning to better experience your feelings and living/moving towards your values.Not the easiest read, could use editing, but is an extremely important work I urge you to get past any shortcomings you find in this book in terms of editing or repetitiveness, of which there are several. What the author has to say is extremely important and could be of great help to readers who struggle with anxiety and obsessive thinking, or those who are grieving traumatic childhoods or lost marriages. Fans of NPR's Invisibilia will recall the first episode in which a therapist worked with a man who had intrusive thoughts of killing a loved one. The therapist did things that seemed crazy, but worked brilliantly. This success was attributed to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and the reporter missed the mark in an otherwise excellent podcast, by attributing CBT to Aaron Beck, when it was originally the work of Albert Ellis, PhD. This book explicates more correctly the type of therapy suggested in that podcast. Rather than talk people out of how they are feeling, Hayes and his ACT cohort argue that we will feel what we are going to feel and we should not flee from that, but instead embrace it and then choose what course we want in life based on our values. Of course that's simplifying things, but the author is scrupulous in telling readers that there are no easy answers and yet there is hope and a meticulously laid-out way to live beyond those fears. If you read one "self-help" book this year, it honestly should be this one. The book can be heavy at times, but so is life. Completing this book won't make life light and airy, but it will help the reader elect to have greater meaning on the journey. And in the end, that's what it's all about.Workbook format with exercises and practical advice. I discovered My spouse of 28 years was leading a double life for 2 years and was going to choose to stay with the woman, who was cheating on a husband who was loving and devoted..his only crime was to get lupus. So I hoped this book would help me with my tremendous grief and feelings of betrayal. It did. I would recommend this for anyone dealing with pain of any kind.

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Tags: 1572244259 pdf,Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life pdf,The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) pdf,Steven C. Hayes, Spencer Smith,Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook),New Harbinger Publications,1572244259,Mood Disorders - General,Acceptance and commitment therapy,Acceptance and commitment therapy.,Behavior therapy,Cognitive-experiential psychotherapy,Self-help publication,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,PSYCHOLOGY / General,PSYCHOLOGY / Psychotherapy / General,Psychology,Psychotherapy,Psychotherapy - General,SELF-HELP / Mood Disorders / General,Self Help,Self-Help,Self-Help/Mood Disorders - General,United States

Rabu, 04 Desember 2019

100 Write-and-Learn Sight Word Practice Pages Download

ISBN: 0439365627
Title: 100 Write-and-Learn Sight Word Practice Pages Pdf Engaging Reproducible Activity Pages That Help Kids Recognize, Write, and Really LEARN the Top 100 High-Frequency Words That are Key to Reading Success
Author: Scholastic Teaching Resources
Published Date: 2002-02
Page: 112
Watch confidence soar as children master 100 sight words—the words most commonly encountered in any text. Children read more fluently, write with greater ease, and spell more accurately when they know these high-frequency words! These fun, ready-to-go practice pages let kids trace, copy, manipulate, cut and paste, and write each sight word on their own. Features words from the Dolch Word List, a commonly recognized core of sight words. Also includes games and extension activities. For use with Grades K-2.

Perfect as a supplemental aid for Sight Words! This was exactly what I was expecting. I'm a Pre-K teacher who works with 4 year-olds. For many of them, this is their first school experience. This book is a wonderful tool. It covers the list of Sight Words that we are supposed to learn in class over the course of the year, so I pick three a week and send them home one a night as homework. The kids love them and they've retained all of the words that we've learned so far. This is not meant to be used as the ONLY method that you use to teach these words, but rather as a supplemental. When used in that sense, this book has proved itself to be a very valuable resource!Frustrating The cut and paste letters are in same position on both sides of the page. Therefore you have to choose for which word to solve the question "cut and paste the letters of the sight word". It causes significant frustration for both the chld and parent. It would have been so easy to print those letters on different location on each side of the page.Inconsistent skill levels? I agree with most of what the other reviewers are saying about this book but I just wanted to add one other drawback for us.There seems to be a discrepancy in the skill levels required to do these pages. If a child needs practice spelling and writing the words, " me", "it", or " and" , then how can he be expected to write a sentence including that word at the bottom of the page? The example on the cover shows the page where the kids are learning the sight word, "me". Then the child wrote, "please pass me the butter " at the bottom. Even simple sentences seem like a strecth for me. If the child can write full sentences then they probably don't need a worksheet for 2 and 3 letter words.I suppose the child could be given a very simple example sentence and then asked to copy it...i don't know. I think they could have made better use of the bottom of the page. Maybe some kind of puzzle or activity?

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Tags: 0439365627 pdf,100 Write-and-Learn Sight Word Practice Pages pdf,Engaging Reproducible Activity Pages That Help Kids Recognize, Write, and Really LEARN the Top 100 High-Frequency Words That are Key to Reading Success pdf,Scholastic Teaching Resources, Terry Cooper,100 Write-and-Learn Sight Word Practice Pages: Engaging Reproducible Activity Pages That Help Kids Recognize, Write, and Really LEARN the Top 100 High-Frequency Words That are Key to Reading Success,Teaching Resources,0439365627,Language Arts - General,English language - Word frequency,English language;Study and teaching (Elementary),Reading (Elementary),Reading (Primary),Reading (Primary) - Whole-word method,Reading comprehension - Study and teaching (Primary),Teaching - Aids and devices,Word recognition - Study and teaching (Primary),Word recognition.,Nonfiction,Children: Grades 1-2,EDUCATION / Early Childhood (incl. Preschool & Kindergarten),EDUCATION / Elementary,EDUCATION / Teaching Methods & Materials / Reading & Phonics,Education / Teaching,Education/Early Childhood (incl. Preschool & Kindergarten),Education/Elementary,Education/Teaching Methods & Materials - Language Arts,English language,English language - Word frequency,English language;Study and teaching (Elementary),JUVENILE NONFICTION / Language Arts / General,Juvenile Nonfiction,Language Arts - General,Nonfiction,Preschool & Kindergarten,Reading (Elementary),Reading (Primary),Reading (Primary) - Whole-word method,Reading comprehension - Study and teaching (Primary),Study and teaching (Elementary),Teaching - Aids and devices,Teaching Methods & Materials - Language Arts,Teaching Methods & Materials - Reading & Phonics,Teaching skills & techniques,Word recognition,Word recognition - Study and teaching (Primary),Word recognition.,sight words; kindergarten; sight word books; phonics for kindergarten; site words flash cards; homeschool curriculum; sight words flash cards kindergarten; singapore math kindergarten; site words; how to teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons; sight words books; kindergarten sight words; learn to read in 100 easy lessons; sight word,sight words;kindergarten;sight word books;phonics for kindergarten;site words flash cards;homeschool curriculum;sight words flash cards kindergarten;singapore math kindergarten;site words;how to teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons;sight words books;kindergarten sight words;learn to read in 100 easy lessons;sight word,EDUCATION / Early Childhood (incl. Preschool & Kindergarten),EDUCATION / Elementary,EDUCATION / Teaching Methods & Materials / Reading & Phonics,Education/Early Childhood (incl. Preschool & Kindergarten),Education/Elementary,Education/Teaching Methods & Materials - Language Arts,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Language Arts / General,Preschool & Kindergarten,Teaching Methods & Materials - Language Arts,Teaching Methods & Materials - Reading & Phonics,Education / Teaching,English language,Study and teaching (Elementary),Word recognition,Juvenile Nonfiction,Children: Grades 1-2,Education,Teaching skills & techniques

Senin, 02 Desember 2019

Bill O'Reilly's Legends and Lies Free Pdf

ISBN: 1250109841
Title: Bill O'Reilly's Legends and Lies Pdf The Civil War
Author: David Fisher
Published Date: 2017-06-06
Page: 368

Bill O'Reilly's success in broadcasting and publishing is unmatched. The iconic anchor of The O'Reilly Factor led the program to the status of the highest rated cable news broadcast in the nation for sixteen consecutive years. His website is followed by millions all over the world.In addition, he has authored an astonishing 12 number one ranked non-fiction books including the historical "Killing" series. Mr. O'Reilly currently has 17 million books in print.Bill O'Reilly has been a broadcaster for 42 years. He has been awarded three Emmy's and a number of other journalism accolades. He was a national correspondent for CBS News and ABC News as well as a reporter-anchor for WCBS-TV in New York City among other high profile jobs.Mr. O'Reilly received two other Emmy nominations for the movies "Killing Kennedy" and "Killing Jesus."He holds a history degree from Marist College, a masters degree in Broadcast Journalism from Boston University, and another masters degree from Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.Bill O'Reilly lives on Long Island where he was raised. His philanthropic enterprises have raised tens of millions for people in need and wounded American veterans.David Fisher is the author of more than twenty New York Times bestsellers. His work has also appeared in most major magazines and many newspapers. He lives in New York with his wife and two sons.

The newest installment in the New York Times #1 bestselling companion series to the Fox historical docudrama, Bill O’Reilly’s Legends and Lies; The Civil War is a pulse-quickening account of the deadliest war in American history

From the birth of the Republican Party to the Confederacy’s first convention, the Underground Railroad to the Emancipation Proclamation, the Battle of Gettysburg to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Bill O’Reilly’s Legends and Lies: The Civil War reveals the amazing and often little known stories behind the battle lines of America’s bloodiest war and debunks the myths that surround its greatest figures, including Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, General Robert E. Lee, Frederick Douglass, Stonewall Jackson, John Singleton Mosby, Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, John Wilkes Booth, William Tecumseh Sherman, and more. An epic struggle between the past and future, the Civil War sought to fulfill the promise that “all men are created equal.” It freed an enslaved race, decimated a generation of young men, ushered in a new era of brutality in war, and created modern America. Featuring archival images, eyewitness accounts, and beautiful artwork that further brings the history to life, The Civil War is the action-packed and ultimate follow-up to the #1 bestsellers The Patriots and The Real West.

Legends and Lies: The Civil War. First off, let me say that I have read numerous other books by Bill O'Reilly and have been very pleased with them. This book, however, is the exception. The book is based on the premise that the war (it was not a civil war by definition) was all about slavery. It was not. Like most wars everywhere, it was about money. Lincoln himself expressed concern that the nation could not survive without the money coming from southern tariffs. The north could not allow the South to import/export through Charleston and New Orleans and not pay the excessive tariffs to the north. Lincoln himself wanted to send freed blacks to Liberia. Several northern states passed laws prohibiting freed blacks from living there.Slavery only became a real issue in 1862 (an election year) when Lincoln was concerned about his party staying in control.The book is also poorly organized with pictures scattered throughout, some with erroneous captions, disrupting the flow of what is going on.Another aspect is that the Stars and Bars was not the South's national flag, as was stated, it was the battle flag for the Army of Northern Virginia.In short, the book is not worth the money and effort that it takes to plow through such a poorly written and organized story. If possible, I would like my money back!I was greatly disappointed in this book As a long time Civil War student, I was greatly disappointed in this book. It is replete with historical inaccuracies, i.e. "All men are created equal" is in the Declaration of Independence and not the Constitution as stated in the book. Lee said "It is well that war is so terrible, lest we should grow too fond of it," at the Battle of Fredericksburg in December 1862 and not at the Battle of the Wilderness in May 1864 as inferred in the book. It is also poorly edited. A photograph of a Union General is described as being one of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. I stopped reading early on. I'd like my money back please.Not this one I've enjoyed all the others but not this one. Maybe because I'm a civil war nut and comparing this one with any of the kazoodles - it doesn't measure up.

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Tags: 1250109841 pdf,Bill O'Reilly's Legends and Lies pdf,The Civil War pdf,David Fisher,Bill O'Reilly's Legends and Lies: The Civil War,Henry Holt and Co.,1250109841,Military - United States,United States - Civil War Period (1850-1877),HISTORY / Military / United States,HISTORY / Military / United States.,HISTORY / United States / Civil War Period (1850-1877).,United States - History - Civil War, 1861-1865,United States - History - Civil War, 1861-1865 - Historiography,United States;History;Civil War, 1861-1865;Historiography.,137201 Holt Adult-Holt TC,Biography & Autobiography/Historical,GENERAL,General Adult,HISTORY / United States / Civil War Period (1850-1877),History,History/American,History/Military - United States,History: American,MILITARY HISTORY - U.S. CIVIL,Military / United States,Military History - U.S. Civil War,Non-Fiction,U.S. HISTORY - CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION (1860-1877),United States,us civil war; civil war; civil war books; american civil war; abraham lincoln; harriet tubman; william sherman; frederick douglass; robert e lee; ulysses s grant; jefferson davis; stonewall jackson; john wilkes booth; william tecumseh sherman; civil war battles; william t sherman; robert e lee civil war; history of the civil war; civil war pictures,Biography & Autobiography/Historical,HISTORY / United States / Civil War Period (1850-1877),History/Military - United States,Military / United States,Military History - U.S. Civil War,U.S. History - Civil War And Reconstruction (1860-1877),History,History: American