Jumat, 29 November 2019

Half the Sky Download

ISBN: 0307387097
Title: Half the Sky Pdf Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide
Author: Nicholas D. Kristof
Published Date: 2010
Page: 296

“Opens our eyes to an enormous humanitarian issue.”            —Washington Post 10 Best Books of the Year “Vitally important. . . . Heartbreaking, galvanizing, and unforgettable.”            —Publishers Weekly Top 100 Books of 2009 “This book isn't a sermon. . . . These stories are electrifying and have the effect of breaking down this enormous problem into segments the reader can focus on. Suddenly, these horrendous problems begin to seem solvable . . . Again, this book is not a sermon about victims. Its range is wide, and sometimes it's even funny . . . Half the Sky is a call to arms, a call for help, a call for contributions, but also a call for volunteers. It asks us to open our eyes to this enormous humanitarian issue. It does so with exquisitely crafted prose and sensationally interesting material . . . I really do think this is one of the most important books I have ever reviewed.”            —Carolyn See, The Washington Post “Passionate yet practical. . . . [Half the Sky] is both stirring and sensible . . . This wonderful book combines a denunciation of horrible abuses with clear-eyed hope and some compelling practical strategies.  The courageous women described here, and millions more like them, deserve nothing less.”            —Martha Nussbaum, The New York Times “Women facing poverty, oppression, and violence are usually viewed as victims.  Nick Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn’s Half the Sky shows that unimaginable challenges are often met with breathtaking bravery.  These stories show us the power and resilience of women who would have every reason to give up but never do.  They will be an inspiration for anyone who reads this book, and a model for those fighting for justice around the world.  You will not want to put this book down.”            —Angelina Jolie “If you have always wondered whether you can change the world, read this book.  Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn have written a brilliant call to arms that describes one of the transcendent injustices in the world today—the brutal treatment of women.  They take you to many countries, introduce you to extraordinary women, and tell you their moving tales.  Throughout, the tone is practical not preachy and the book’s suggestions as to how you can make a difference are simple, sensible, and yet powerful.  The authors vividly describe a terrible reality about the world we live in but they also provide light and hope that we can, in fact, change it.”            —Fareed Zakaria, author, The Post-American World “I think it’s impossible to stand by and do nothing after reading Half the Sky.  It does what we need most, it bears witness to the sheer cruelty that mankind can do to mankind.”            —George Clooney “It’s impossible to exaggerate the importance of this book about one of the most serious problems of our time: the worldwide abuse and exploitation of women.  In addition to describing the injustices, Kristof and WuDunn show how concerned individuals everywhere are working effectively to empower women and help them overcome adversity.  Wonderfully written and vividly descriptive, Half the Sky can and should galvanize support for reform on all levels.  Inspiring as it is shocking, this book demands to be read.”             —Anne Rice “Half the Sky is a passionate and persuasive plea to all of us to rise up and say ‘No more!’ to the 17th-century abuses to girls and women in the 21st-century world.  This is a book that will pierce your heart and arouse your conscience.  It is a powerful piece of journalism by two masters of the craft who are tireless in their pursuit of one of the most shameful conditions of our time.”            —Tom Brokaw “The stories that Kristof and WuDunn share are as powerful as they are heartbreaking.  Their insight into gender issues and the role of women in development inspires hope, optimism, and most importantly, the will to change.  Both a brutal awakening and an unmistakable call to action, this book should be read by all.”           —Melinda Gates “An unblinking look at one of the seminal moral challenges of our time.  This stirring book is at once a savage indictment of gender inequality in the developing world and an inspiring testament to these women’s courage, resilience, and their struggle for hope and recovery.  An unexpectedly uplifting read.”            —Khaled Hosseini, author, The Kite Runner “While we rightly roared at racial apartheid, we act as though gender apartheid is a natural, immutable fact.  With absolutely the right Molotov cocktail of on-the-ground reporting and hard social science, Kristof and WuDunn blow up this taboo. . . . A thrilling manifesto for advancing freedom for hundreds of millions of human beings.”            —Johann Hari, Slate.com “The most important book of the year. . . . Half the Sky is the kind of book that could change the course of history.”            —William Petrocelli, The Huffington Post “How many books make a significant difference in matters that concern everyone who lives on earth?  Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn have certainly written such a book.  Half the Sky is the most important book that I have read since Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, published in 1962. . . . Half the Sky is a groundbreaking, eye-opening book, stunning in every sense.”            —Charles R. Larson, CounterPunch “Urgent. . . . Passionate. . . . Compelling. . . . Half the Sky is a grab-the-reader-by-the-lapels wake-up call.”            —Bill Williams, The Boston Globe “Superb . . . As Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring once catalyzed us to save our birds and better steward our earth, Half the Sky stands to become a classic, spurring us to spare impoverished women these terrors, and elevate them to turn around the future of their nations.”            —Susan Ager, Cleveland Plain Dealer “Stunning. . . . [Half the Sky] belongs on the ‘must-read’ list because it offers perspective, insight, and clear-eyed optimism for why and how each of us can and should meet one of the great moral and humanitarian challenges of our times.”            —Bill Gates, Sr., The Huffington Post“Any review of this book should begin without pretence; in the plainest language. Unadorned. Unembellished. Understandable. It should begin with the five following words: This is an important book! Exclamation indicated.”          —New Strait Times Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, are the first married couple to win a Pulitzer Prize in journalism for their coverage of China as New York Times correspondents. They received the 2009 Dayton Literary Peace Prize for Lifetime Achievement and many other prizes including the George Polk and Overseas Press Club awards. Mr. Kristof won a second Pulitzer in 2006, for “his graphic, deeply reported columns that, at personal risk, focused attention on genocide in Darfur.” He has also served as bureau chief in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Tokyo, and as associate managing editor.Ms. WuDunn, now a business executive, worked at The New York Times, on both the business and news sides. She has been a foreign correspondent in Asia, a business editor and a television anchor. She is the first Asian-American to receive a Pulitzer Prize. They live near New York City.

#1 National Bestseller

From two of our most fiercely moral voices, a passionate call to arms against our era’s most pervasive human rights violation: the oppression of women and girls in the developing world.

With Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn as our guides, we undertake an odyssey through Africa and Asia to meet the extraordinary women struggling there, among them a Cambodian teenager sold into sex slavery and an Ethiopian woman who suffered devastating injuries in childbirth. Drawing on the breadth of their combined reporting experience, Kristof and WuDunn depict our world with anger, sadness, clarity, and, ultimately, hope.

They show how a little help can transform the lives of women and girls abroad. That Cambodian girl eventually escaped from her brothel and, with assistance from an aid group, built a thriving retail business that supports her family. The Ethiopian woman had her injuries repaired and in time became a surgeon. A Zimbabwean mother of five, counseled to return to school, earned her doctorate and became an expert on AIDS.

Through these stories, Kristof and WuDunn help us see that the key to economic progress lies in unleashing women’s potential. They make clear how so many people have helped to do just that, and how we can each do our part. Throughout much of the world, the greatest unexploited economic resource is the female half of the population. Countries such as China have prospered precisely because they emancipated women and brought them into the formal economy. Unleashing that process globally is not only the right thing to do; it’s also the best strategy for fighting poverty.

Deeply felt, pragmatic, and inspirational, Half the Sky is essential reading for every global citizen.

Well Written With One Complaint At first when reading this book I found the first few cases hard to believe but as time went on I realized that it was in fact real. Seeing the things that many of these women and their families have to deal with on a daily basis makes me glad to have been born in a first world country. Many of the times the book was difficult to read due to the content and I was thinking of stopping until the authors reassured me that such a situation is not hopeless or impossible to change. The authors also mentioned a few success stories and ideas about how we can contribute in order to support this idea.One of the things that bothered me was the double standard that the authors seemed to have when blaming Christianity for the gap in women's rights but bent over backwards to excuse fundamentalist Islam and Islam as a whole. I found the author's attempt to paint Islam as superior to all the other religions when it came to the treatment of women as suspect. The authors attempt to argue that the fundamentalists are misinterpreting the Quran but one of the ways to apologize for the inhumanity of religion is to make the original words say whatever you want them to say. Christian apologists are adept at twisting words and interpretations to make them fit a preconceived image and likely muslim apologists do the same.I noticed the authors had no problem denouncing Christianity for "The God Gap" in politics as being responsible for limits on abortion, women's rights, etc., but are not willing to paint Islam in the same light. This may be due to the fact that many of the countries where they operate are mostly muslim in terms of religiosity but I found the obvious double standard to be ridiculous at times. Not once do they mention the Quran's specific limitations on Women's Rights but they had no trouble bringing up the old justification for women's disadvantage in Christianity. Namely that Eve ate the fruit first and was the weakest vessel in all respects. There can be no doubt that under all forms of Theocracy that women are always treated as second class citizens however the authors seemed to miss this or deliberately ignored it in the case of Islam.Despite that one problem I still recommend this book.I enjoyed it and it informed my feminist journey This book takes a broad, enlightening and inspiring look geographically and through many different cultures at women's issues and the issue of gender equality. I enjoyed it and it informed my feminist journey. I first read about the Nordic Model in this book. I often refer back to anecdotes and stories in this book and compare them to ongoing feminist debates in North America. One example are the issues of maternal mortality and women dying for want of Cesarian sections in Africa. I often reflect back on that when I listen to the "natural vs cesarian" debates in North America. Is it really a feminist issue to say that women's bodies can give birth easily and birth is inherently safe ? What would the women in sub saharan Africa think about that ? Another women's issue raised in this book was of women shunned by families and their villages due to fistula (at least in one case in this book a partner hoped for his wife to die because she smelt so bad due to her injuries). I wondered whether we have an equivalent in North America ? This book contains some harrowing tales and difficult topics but it also contains a lot of hope and inspirational happy endings.I Bow in Gratitude to Wudunn & Kristof Brilliant writing! Brilliant strategy in the structuring of this book. Brilliantly articulated.Reading Half the Sky is a harrowing undertaking. Often I was outraged and angry in reading this book. I wept often at the grief and pain of the plight of girls and women on the planet. I feel deeply disappointed with the inexcusable and untenable actions of we humans perpetrate on one another. These actions are juxtaposed - antithetical to - the unutterable and profound beauty of Life herself. The discomfort notwithstanding, all of us are well served to be pained deeply at the indignities girls and women live with. We need to be roused from our ostensible comfort - to have our worldview shattered. To be rousted into the rigorous self-discipline of "SEEING" girls and women. Of letting go of our subtle and not-so-subtle subjugation of them.To me, there is no issue of greater importance than making place for the honoring of girls and women; of freeing girls and women from the inexcusable crimes against humanity perpetrated against them in all moments of their lives! All other crises are of lesser import. The path out of contemporary perils begins by giving place to the feminine, to her wisdom, voice, her brilliance, her creativity, her promise, her dignity, innocence and spiritual beauty.Our world needs appropriate countervailing forces to those of misogyny and patriarchy. This book educates us some of the issues and some of the necessary steps onward. It appropriately pushes back.Bravo! Well done in insinuating the promise of your work into the record, and for your stellar contribution toward the tipping point toward a more life-affirming humanity.Wouldn't it be grand were this book required reading in every secondary school? Every associate degree, trade, undergraduate, graduate, and professional school? A prerequisite for all employment - self or other. For every elected and appointed public or political office? Repeated exposure to this book and it's worldview until our thinking and actions were honoring, welcoming, supportive and responsive - positively - to the lives of girls and women.I am heartened and changed by my reading of this book - Half the Sky.

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Tags: 0307387097 pdf,Half the Sky pdf,Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide pdf,Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn,Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide,Vintage,0307387097,Human Rights,Political Process - Political Advocacy,Women's Studies,Women - Crimes against - Developing countries,Women - Developing countries - Social conditions,Women's rights - Developing countries,Women's rights;Developing countries;Case studies.,Women;Crimes against;Developing countries;Case studies.,Women;Developing countries;Social conditions;Case studies.,Case studies,Crimes against,Developing countries,GENERAL,Gender Studies,Gender studies: women,General Adult,Non-Fiction,POLITICAL AND CIVIL RIGHTS,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Human Rights,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Political Advocacy,Political Advocacy,Political Process - Political Advocacy,Political Science,Political Science/Human Rights,Political Science/Political Process - Political Advocacy,Politics/International Relations,Politics/Intl Relations,Reference / General,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Women's Studies,SOCIOLOGY OF WOMEN,Social Science/Developing & Emerging Countries,Social conditions,United States,Women,Women - Crimes against - Developing countries,Women - Developing countries - Social conditions,Women's Studies,Women's Studies - General,Women's rights,Women's rights - Developing countries,Women's rights;Developing countries;Case studies.,Women;Crimes against;Developing countries;Case studies.,Women;Developing countries;Social conditions;Case studies.,civil disobedience;feminism;sociology;human rights;social justice;feminist;political science;justice;civil rights;feminist books;geopolitics;political philosophy;government;injustice;civil rights movement;history books;history;politics;political books;world politics;international politics;books for women;sociology books;feminist theory;self love books for women;women in history;international human rights;feminist gifts;feminist book;feminism books;political science books;good books for women,human rights; social justice; feminism; sociology; politics; feminist; feminist books; biography; political science; justice; civil rights; geopolitics; injustice; feminist theory; civil rights movement; history books; history; political books; world politics; international politics; self love books for women; sociology books; international human rights; books for women; good books for women; feminism books; feminist thought; feminist gifts; feminist book; women in history; self worth books for women; women's history month,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Human Rights,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Political Advocacy,Political Advocacy,Political Science/Human Rights,Political Science/Political Process - Political Advocacy,Reference / General,SOCIAL SCIENCE / Women's Studies,Social Science/Developing & Emerging Countries,Women's Studies - General,Gender Studies,Case studies,Crimes against,Developing countries,Social conditions,Women,Women's rights,Political And Civil Rights,Sociology Of Women,Political Science,Politics/International Relations,Gender studies: women

Selasa, 26 November 2019

Cracking the AP World History Pdf

ISBN: 0525568409
Title: Cracking the AP World History Pdf Modern Exam 2020, Premium Edition
Author: The Princeton Review
Published Date: 2019-11-05
Page: 480

The experts at The Princeton Review have been helping students, parents, and educators achieve the best results at every stage of the education process since 1981. The Princeton Review has helped millions succeed on standardized tests, and provides expert advice and instruction to help parents, teachers, students, and schools navigate the complexities of school admission. In addition to classroom courses in over 40 states and 20 countries, The Princeton Review also offers online and school-based courses, one-to-one and small-group tutoring as well as online services in both admission counseling and academic homework help.

PREMIUM PRACTICE FOR A PERFECT 5! Ace the AP World History: Modern Exam with this Premium version of The Princeton Review's comprehensive study guide. Includes 5 full-length practice tests with complete explanations, plus thorough content reviews, targeted test strategies, and access to online extras.

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Minggu, 24 November 2019

Bad Blood Pdf

ISBN: 152473165X
Title: Bad Blood Pdf Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup

An Amazon Best Book of May 2018: In Bad Blood, the Wall Street Journal’s John Carreyrou takes us through the step-by-step history of Theranos, a Silicon Valley startup that became almost mythical, in no small part due to its young, charismatic founder Elizabeth Holmes. In fact, Theranos was mythical for a different reason, because the technological promise it was founded upon—that vital health information could be gleaned from a small drop of blood using handheld devices—was a lie. Carreyrou tracks the experiences of former employees to craft the fascinating story of a company run under a strict code of secrecy, a place where leadership was constantly throwing up smoke screens and making promises that it could not keep. Meanwhile, investors kept pouring in money, turning Elizabeth Holmes into a temporary billionaire. As companies like Walgreens and Safeway strike deals with Theranos, and as even the army tries to get in on the Theranos promise (there’s a brief cameo by James “Mad Dog” Mattis), the plot thickens and the proverbial noose grows tighter. Although I knew how the story ended, I found myself reading this book compulsively. – Chris Schluep "Bad Blood is the real be-all end-all of Theranos information…. Bad Blood is wild, and more happens on one page than in many other entire books." —Margaret Lyons, The New York Times"You will not want to put this riveting, masterfully reported book down. No matter how bad you think the Theranos story was, you'll learn that the reality was actually far worse."—Bethany McLean, bestselling coauthor of The Smartest Guys in the Room and All the Devils Are Here"Chilling... Carreyrou tells [this story] virtually to perfection… Reads like a West Coast version of All the President's Men."—Roger Lowenstein, The New York Times Book Review"The definitive account of Theranos’s downfall, detailing its motley crew of executives, legal knife fights, dramatic PR stunts, and skullduggery... Offers a lot for foreign-policy wonks... While Bad Blood is worth reading for its own merits—it’s a stunning feat of journalism that reads like a thriller—it also says a lot about Washington’s facile relationship with Silicon Valley. Most D.C. power brokers know next to nothing about science or technology but increasingly view Silicon Valley tech as a deus ex machina for some of the world’s most complicated challenges. Bad Blood offers a sobering warning of where that type of thinking can lead."—Robbie Gramer, Foreign Policy"A great and at times almost unbelievable story of scandalous fraud, surveillance, and legal intimidation at the highest levels of American corporate power. . . . The story of Theranos may be the biggest case of corporate fraud since Enron. But it’s also the story of how a lot of powerful men were fooled by a remarkably brazen liar." —Yashar Ali, New York Magazine"Even if you didn’t follow the story of charismatic Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes (and the ensuing trainwreck) in the news, you will find yourself zipping through a book that proves once again that fact is stranger than fiction. A stunning look into a high-tech hoodwinking; like a high-speed car chase in a book."—The New York Post's "28 Most Unforgettable Books of 2018""In Bad Blood, acclaimed investigative journalist John Carreyrou, who broke the story in 2015, presents comprehensive evidence of the fraud perpetrated by Theranos chief executive Elizabeth Holmes... He unveils many dark secrets of Theranos that have not previously been laid bare…  The combination of these brave whistle-blowers, and a tenacious journalist who interviewed 150 people (including 60 former employees) makes for a veritable page-turner." —Eric Topol, Nature"Engrossing… Bad Blood boasts movie-scene detail… Theranos, Carreyrou writes, was a revolving door, as Holmes and Balwani fired anyone who voiced even tentative doubts… What’s frightening is how easy it is to imagine a different outcome, one in which the company’s blood-testing devices continued to proliferate. That the story played out as it did is a testament to the many individuals who spoke up, at great personal risk." —Jennifer Couzin-Frankel, Science"In exposing the fudged numbers, boardroom battles and sickening sums of money tossed Theranos’ way, Bad Blood succeeds in highlighting Silicon Valley’s paradoxical blind spot. Insular corporate culture and benevolent media coverage have allowed a monster to grow in the Valley—one that gambles not just with our smart phones or our democracy, but with people’s lives. Bad Blood reveals a crucial truth: outside observers must act as the eyes, the ears and, most importantly, the voice of Silicon Valley’s blind spot."—B. David Zarley, Paste Magazine's "16 Best Nonfiction Books of 2018""Carreyrou blends lucid descriptions of Theranos’s technology and its failures with a vivid portrait of its toxic culture and its supporters’ delusional boosterism. The result is a bracing cautionary tale about visionary entrepreneurship gone very wrong."—Publishers Weekly (Starred)"Crime thriller authors have nothing on Carreyrou's exquisite sense of suspenseful pacing and multifaceted character development in this riveting, read-in-one-sitting tour de force.... Carreyrou's commitment to unraveling Holmes' crimes was literally of life-saving value."—Booklist (Starred Review)"Eye-opening... A vivid, cinematic portrayal of serpentine Silicon Valley corruption... A deep investigative report on the sensationalistic downfall of multibillion-dollar Silicon Valley biotech startup Theranos. Basing his findings on hundreds of interviews with people inside and outside the company, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning Wall Street Journal reporter Carreyrou rigorously examines the seamy details behind the demise of Theranos and its creator, Elizabeth Holmes… [Carreyrou] brilliantly captures the interpersonal melodrama, hidden agendas, gross misrepresentations, nepotism, and a host of delusions and lies that further fractured the company’s reputation and halted its rise."—Kirkus

NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER •  NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY: NPR, The New York Times Book Review, Time, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post • The McKinsey Business Book of the Year
The full inside story of the breathtaking rise and shocking collapse of Theranos, the one-time multibillion-dollar biotech startup founded by Elizabeth Holmes—now the subject of the HBO documentary The Inventor—by the prize-winning journalist who first broke the story and pursued it to the end.

“The story is even crazier than I expected, and I found myself unable to put it down once I started. This book has everything: elaborate scams, corporate intrigue, magazine cover stories, ruined family relationships, and the demise of a company once valued at nearly $10 billion.” —Bill Gates

In 2014, Theranos founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes was widely seen as the female Steve Jobs: a brilliant Stanford dropout whose startup “unicorn” promised to revolutionize the medical industry with a machine that would make blood testing significantly faster and easier. Backed by investors such as Larry Ellison and Tim Draper, Theranos sold shares in a fundraising round that valued the company at more than $9 billion, putting Holmes’s worth at an estimated $4.7 billion. There was just one problem: The technology didn’t work.

A riveting story of the biggest corporate fraud since Enron, a tale of ambition and hubris set amid the bold promises of Silicon Valley.

Impossibly too good to be true This is an impeccably researched and referenced account of the Theranos saga. As a long-time observer and sometime competitor of Theranos I watched this tale unfold whilst working at a couple of established IVD companies. Everyone I knew who had ever developed an assay or instrument knew this was smoke and mirrors, impossibly too good to be true. What I never suspected was just how personally dishonest EH had been, and for how long the complex deception was maintained. Whilst I've met a few egregious individuals working for big companies, there are enough checks and balances (QA/RA, Med/Sci Affairs, CLSs and other professionals etc) in place to stop harmful devices getting out the door.The subject matter - developing devices and assays - is a complex dry topic, difficult to write engagingly about. But JC does a workmanlike job and I read this in one go after its midnight Kindle release. My only nit to pick is the poor editing: there are so many uses of '....named....' as in 'an engineer named John Smith' or 'a restaurant named Joe's Bar' that it got irritating. Find/replace 'named' with a comma would have worked fine in most cases. The text was also repetitive - eg '...an award named after Channing...' gets at least 2 mentions. But not enough to lose a star.Kudos to the good people at Theranos who had the courage to get the story out and for JCs persistence into a headwind of legalistic intimidation. I've heard Theranos is now a case-study for MBA students: this book should be required reading for anyone thinking about 'disrupting' the medical devices industry. There are lives at stake.I wish I could give this book 10 stars It takes a mighty strong person and an incredible investigative journalist to take down a multibillion company lead by a CEO and her partner who are doing nothing but telling lies, mistreating their employees, taking millions of dollars under false pretenses from Fortune 500 businesses and wealthy investors, betraying their esteemed board members, and worst and most harmful of all, putting the lives of their end customers in serious jeopardy because the technology that they claim to have engineered does not exist nor has it been FDA approved or tested. This is John Carreyrou’s BAD BLOOD: SECRETS AND LIES IN A SILICON VALLEY STARTUP. Carreyrou went to monumental lengths over the course of several years, with the help of named and unnamed sources who worked or were connected to Theranos, the company, which claimed to have created a blood-testing device that with ‘one drop of blood’ could obtain hundreds of test results thus saving lives. Not only were their little machines ineffective but they were doing no such thing. Meaning, they could not provide accurate test results because they were not even obtaining them. Rather, they were using commercial analyzers in their place. At the helm was Theranos founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes, a Stanford drop-out who had a brilliant idea, but it was never brought to fruition. She simply leads people to believe it was with her charm. A lot of people.It is staggering how many people she swayed. We’re not just talking about a co-worker or two but former heads of state, who later joined her board, people who amassed fortunes in the billions who were willing to loan Theranos money, major corporations including Walgreens and Safeway who wanted to get in on the ground floor, and many more. It is equally astonishing how so many smart, successful people were not taken aback by her freakish obsession with imitating Steve Jobs. Perhaps, they chalked this up to her eccentricity.It took courage for people to come forward. They were threatened with lawsuits that could bankrupt them ten times over, by one of the leading and most intimidating litigators in the country. Carreyrou, a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist, who has been with The Wall Street Journal for almost 10 years, had the support of his editor, newspaper, and its attorneys. He never thought for a minute to back down. The result – a series of articles in the paper that exposed Theranos and Holmes for the fraud they committed.It is dumbfounding to read BAD BLOOD and to think that Holmes and her number two in command, Sunny Balwani, also her romantic partner, which was kept secret, got away with so much for so long, and even when finally confronted and their hands were forced, they still would not admit fault. Is Holmes a criminal? Is she delusional?What I do know is that you will not be able to put this book down.

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Kamis, 21 November 2019

When Life Gives You Pears Download

Title: When Life Gives You Pears Pdf The Healing Power of Family, Faith, and Funny People

In an audiobook that is The Big Sick meets Dad Is Fat, Jeannie Gaffigan, writer/director/producer/accused supermom and wife of best-selling author/comedian Jim Gaffigan, writes with humor and heart about the pear-sized brain tumor she had removed, the toll it took on her enormous family, and the priceless lessons she learned along the way.

In 2017, Jeannie's life came to a crashing halt when she was diagnosed with a life-threatening brain tumor. As the mother of five kids - six if you include her husband - sat in the neurosurgery department in star-covered sweats too whimsical for the seriousness of the situation, all she could think was, "Am I going to die?" 

Thankfully, Jeannie and her family were able to survive their time of crisis, and now she is sharing her deeply personal journey through this miraculous story: the challenging conversations she had with her children; how she came to terms with feeling powerless and ferociously crabby while bedridden and unable to eat for a month; and how she ultimately learned, re-learned, and re-re-learned to be more present in life. 

With sincerity and hilarity, Jeannie invites you into her heart (and brain) during this trying time, emphasizing the importance of family, faith, and humor as keys to her recovery and leading a more fulfilling life.

PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

Grateful to be a lunatic I loved this book. I'm so conflicted as I want to share my copy of the book with others, but also I want others to purchase so Jeannine gets the recognition she deserves. So enjoy that moral dilemma.When reading this book, you'll look like a lunatic; one moment you'll be laughing, the next crying, and constantly alternate between the two emotions. Ultimately though, you'll end on gratitude. The night I finished reading the book, I was tucking my daughter into bed, and was truly grateful for how wonderful it was to love on this sweet little life.Thank you Jeannine for sharing your humor and perseverance, for invigorating the importance of faith, and kindness, and for now making kissing palms an exchange with my daughter and I.Also I bought a “used” copy- which was brand new and came signed. Thank you Ravenswood!Fabulous, inspiring, hilarious, MUST READ!!! I love everything about this book. I mean a terrible situation, but such a beautiful story. Lessons for all in this book. I laughed, I cried and now I'm gonna read it again. Love it!!!!!!Disappointing Perhaps I am being overly critical, but there was an awful lot of Jesus in this book. I am Jewish so I didn't relate. Jim Gaffigan is my favorite comedian, by the way. Not so funny, but when is a brain tumor? Interesting enough for me to finish the book.

Tags: B07XZN4KNT pdf,When Life Gives You Pears pdf,The Healing Power of Family, Faith, and Funny People pdf,,Jeannie Gaffigan, Liz Noth, Jim Gaffigan, Grand Central Publishing,When Life Gives You Pears: The Healing Power of Family, Faith, and Funny People,Grand Central Publishing,B07XZN4KNT

Senin, 18 November 2019

Edison Free Pdf

ISBN: 081299311X
Title: Edison Pdf
Author: Edmund Morris
Published Date: 2019
Page: 800

Praise for the Biographies of Edmund Morris The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt Winner of the Pulitzer Prize   “One of those rare works that is both definitive for the period it covers and fascinating to read for sheer entertainment.”—The New York Times Book Review   “A towering biography.”—Time   Theodore Rex   “A masterpiece . . . A great president has finally found a great biographer.”—The Washington Post   “As a literary work on Theodore Roosevelt, it is unlikely ever to be surpassed. It is one of the great histories of the American presidency, worthy of being on a shelf alongside Henry Adams’s volumes on Jefferson and Madison.”—The Times Literary Supplement Colonel Roosevelt “Monumental . . . Morris is a stylish storyteller with an irresistible subject.”—The New York Times Book Review “Hair-raising . . . awe-inspiring . . . a worthy close to a trilogy sure to be regarded as one of the best studies not just of any president, but of any American.”—San Francisco Chronicle Edmund Morris (May 27, 1940 – May 24, 2019) was born and educated in Kenya and went to college in South Africa. He worked as an advertising copywriter in London before immigrating to the United States in 1968. His biography The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt won the Pulitzer Prize and American Book Award in 1980. Theodore Rex followed in 2001, and Colonel Roosevelt in 2010, so completing his three-volume life of Theodore Roosevelt. Morris was President Reagan’s authorized biographer and wrote the national bestseller Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan in 1999. He is also the author of Beethoven: The Universal Composer (2005), and This Living Hand (2012), a collection of essays. He has written extensively on travel and the arts for such publications as The New Yorker, The New York Times, and Harper's. He lived in New York and Connecticut with his wife and fellow biographer Sylvia Jukes Morris.

From Pulitzer Prize-winning author Edmund Morris comes a revelatory new biography of Thomas Alva Edison, the most prolific genius in American history.

Although Thomas Alva Edison was the most famous American of his time, and remains an international name today, he is mostly remembered only for the gift of universal electric light. His invention of the first practical incandescent lamp 140 years ago so dazzled the world—already reeling from his invention of the phonograph and dozens of other revolutionary devices—that it cast a shadow over his later achievements. In all, this near-deaf genius (“I haven’t heard a bird sing since I was twelve years old”) patented 1,093 inventions, not including others, such as the X-ray fluoroscope, that he left unlicensed for the benefit of medicine.

One of the achievements of this staggering new biography, the first major life of Edison in more than twenty years, is that it portrays the unknown Edison—the philosopher, the futurist, the chemist, the botanist, the wartime defense adviser, the founder of nearly 250 companies—as fully as it deconstructs the Edison of mythological memory. Edmund Morris, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, brings to the task all the interpretive acuity and literary elegance that distinguished his previous biographies of Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, and Ludwig van Beethoven. A trained musician, Morris is especially well equipped to recount Edison’s fifty-year obsession with recording technology and his pioneering advances in the synchronization of movies and sound. Morris sweeps aside conspiratorial theories positing an enmity between Edison and Nikola Tesla and presents proof of their mutually admiring, if wary, relationship. 

Enlightened by seven years of research among the five million pages of original documents preserved in Edison’s huge laboratory at West Orange, New Jersey, and privileged access to family papers still held in trust, Morris is also able to bring his subject to life on the page—the adored yet autocratic and often neglectful husband of two wives and father of six children. If the great man who emerges from it is less a sentimental hero than an overwhelming force of nature, driven onward by compulsive creativity, then Edison is at last getting his biographical due.

A True Inspiration A couple of times every century, out of the countless human beings that inhabit the Earth, a few rise to the level of genius. These rare individuals embody a different categorization, difficult to fathom, but nonetheless single-handedly bend the trajectory of the human race and project it forward. Thomas Edison is inarguably one such example.Edmund Morris delivers another phenomenal biography. Edison's story is wonderfully written and even after 600+ pages, I wanted to learn more. Thomas Edison was a dynamo of energy, working 18-20 hour days for most of his life. His unbelievable curiosity matched with his self-confidence- his unwillingness to accept what he read and instead test it for himself- led to 1,093 patents in his life. He averaged an invention every 11 days for 40 years! His persistence and tenacity are inspiring- he tried over 6000 materials in his search for the ideal light filament, and 9000 experiments to find the right pair of metals for his storage battery. Everybody knows about Edison and the light bulb, but I was unaware of how many other historic inventions he was involved in. I won't list them here but the book is worth the read to find out.Thomas Edison was born to invent and that's what he did. He is a concrete example of living one's life to the fullest and demonstrates what is possible when the human mind is fully activated. It is terrific that one of today's great biographers finally chose him as their subject. One of Edison's close associates put it best: "The one great impression of my years in Menlo Park was how impenetrable the veil of the future seems to be when new problems are to be solved, and how simple the result often is when the darkness of ignorance is lighted by the genius of one man."I do have one minor qualm. The book is written in opposite chronological order, which leads to several footnotes referencing later sections that explain events that led to the current discussion. This is somewhat confusing, I prefer the standard method where events build on one another. But given the immense gift that Morris has provided, this sort of complaint is admittedly very trivial.Lastly, I just wikipedia'ed Edmund Morris and learned the unfortunate news that he passed away in May of this year. RIP. He left us all with yet another irreplaceable biography and he will always be appreciated for his lucid and exciting stories detailing the lives of historical figures. Highly highly recommend.A Brilliant Introduction to an American Original and His World Edmund Morris is best known as the author of an acclaimed triptych on Theodore Roosevelt. He’s one of the best of the notable group of popular historians who rose in the 1970s and 1980s, continuing to the present day. As academe retreats into insularity, historians such as Morris and David McCullough have brought history and biography to life for millions of Americans.Morris’s decision to engage the life and legacy of Thomas Alva Edison is inspired. His deep study of Theodore Roosevelt positioned him well both to comprehend the significance of Edison and do the granular work to bring an increasingly distant figure to life.As with TR, Edison’s life and work is singular and of a piece with his own time. Morris also demonstrates how strikingly relevant many aspects of their era is to our own. The transformational changes in technology, culture, and politics now underway are no more profound than those of a century ago. One could argue that the people of that time faced greater challenges.His debut biography, 'The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt,' is memorable for the match of Roosevelt’s larger-than-life early years with Morris’s literary sensibility. His subsequent works have shown greater and lesser success in his attempts to create, in Roosevelt’s words, history as literature.Morris struggled with the limitations of the biographical genre in his authorized biography of President Reagan, 'Dutch.' It’s a commonplace that the decisions of the non-fiction writer, adhering closely to the facts, may nonetheless depart from ultimate understanding or truth. Unable to get hold of Reagan as a political and cultural figure, Morris inserted himself as a fictional narrator, commenting on real-life events. The result was disappointing if not tragic; he was the late president’s authorized biographer, accorded rare access to the administration and its papers.In 'Edison,' Morris faced the task of introducing the life and times of a figure whose accomplishments literally transformed the reality of life for his nation and the entire planet. The inventor emerges as not an entirely appealing personality. His legendary capacity for concentration and extended work was accompanied by strained personal and professional relationships. Edison was a great inventor by any reckoning. He was also remote and callous.Morris reverses the chronology of Edison’s life. He opens with his subject’s death. This enables him to establish Edison’s significance and recognition by his contemporaries. Morris then moves backwards, dividing the life of the “Wizard of Menlo Park” by the subjects of his work.It’s as if Edison is a great tree that Morris prunes and finally cuts to its core, its roots. The “rosebud” moment, in Morris’s rendering, is Edison’s childhood loss of hearing. This is at once poignant—Edison’s inventions including breakthroughs in the transmission and recording of sound—and explanatory of the separation that was a foundation of his professional achievements and personal limitations.'Edison' is meticulously researched and beautifully written. The book itself is well designed and formatted, with apt illustrations. It will likely not be regarded as highly as Morris’s’ work on Roosevelt. That may be an unapproachable standard. Nonetheless, it's a brilliant introduction to an American original and his world.

Thomas Edison pdf


Thomas Edison pdf

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Thomas Edison pdf

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Tags: 081299311X pdf,Edison pdf,Edmund Morris,Edison,Random House,081299311X,Edison, Thomas A,Electrical engineers - United States,Electrical engineers;United States;Biography.,Inventors - United States,Inventors;United States;Biography.,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Science & Technology,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Entrepreneurship,Biography,Biography/Autobiography,Business & Economics/Entrepreneurship,GENERAL,General Adult,INVENTIONS,Nikola Tesla;business;history gifts;science gifts;success;gifts for history buffs;gifts for dad;dad gifts;historical biographies;incandescent light bulb;history of technology;marriage;family relationships;biographies;biography books;biography;family life;family;phonograph;inventions;light bulb;technology books;19th century America;American history;us history;history books;history;Edmund Morris;innovation;technology;science history;science books;science;Thomas Edison biography;Thomas Edison,Non-Fiction,SCIENCE / Scientific Instruments,SCIENTISTS,Science/Scientific Instruments,United States,historical biographies; incandescent light bulb; history of technology; marriage; family relationships; biographies; biography books; biography; family life; family; phonograph; inventions; light bulb; technology books; 19th century America; American history; us history; history books; history; Edmund Morris; innovation; technology; science history; science books; science; Thomas Edison biography; Thomas Edison; business; Nikola Tesla; history gifts; science gifts; success; gifts for history buffs; gifts for dad; dad gifts